Solutions, Programs and Services Overview

We offer a range of solutions. Please browse the summary pages and certainly contact us for more information on how a solution may be a good fit to serve your priorities and solve your challenges.

Build Your Sustainable Organization with People Strategies

The Global Sustainability Story continues to gain momentum and broad acceptance: We’re in a state of change and innovation. The top ranked companies today are demonstrating their commitment to sustainability and showing the financial markets they are generally showing better business results. Chief People Officers, HR Executives, Chief Sustainability Officers, Corporate Social Responsibility Officers, and…

Accelerated Performance Coaching™

Accelerating Associates Growth and Performance with Targeted Behavior Changes in Your Associate’s Daily Practices Talent executives are seeking a paradigm shift in personalized, socialized, adaptable, contextualized and transparent development experiences. Coaching will accelerate performance, growth and proficiency, coupled with professional development of core capabilities. Personalized and customized coaching can take many forms for all levels…

Sustainability and Green Careers

We like to think of Sustainability and Green Careers as “Building Green Bridges”. Green Training Associates offers a variety of programs and services to: Develop people using training workshops, talent and culture change, coaching and career roadmaps. Boost institutions ability to facilitate students’ career preparedness and workforce readiness. Progressing Positively Build green bridges between employers…

Sustainability Training

Your Sustainable Workforce Needs Training & Talent Development A Tidal Wave of Change™ is Green Training Associates’ action-oriented theme that encourages everyone to drive changes that improve the world’s challenges. We need a Tidal Wave of Change™ to have a sustainable, positive impact on our global challenges. Consider our future readiness if we collectively contribute…

Sustainable Workforces

Building a Culture of Sustainability in your workforce is an essential component to ensure you align your people to your organization. We started the business with the idea of ‘greening a people strategy’ which was completely innovative and almost unheard of in 2009, when Pam launched her consulting firm. Now, many years later, we offer…

Sustainable Workplaces

When Human Resources has a “seat at the sustainability table”, every function connects to the organization’s sustainability strategy.   GTA has designed a four-quadrant model, A Sustainable Workplace Framework, as a partnership between your sustainability office and key HR leaders. We perform a diagnostic alignment service for 40 HR capabilities within the four quadrants of Innovation…

Power TQ Skills Solution™

Our Client’s Priorities All technology executives align with three top business goals: Protect and grow your brand. Attract and retain talent. Grow revenue. Tech executives are being asked to incorporate Sustainable Technology into the overall organization’s strategy.  And, here’s why that’s mission-central:  The heartbeat of sustainable development is the inter-disciplinary approach of science and technology…

Contact us today for a free 20-minute strategy session.