The concept of climate havens is intriguing…..and will be the future for community resiliency plans, risk mitigation strategies and models of sustainable communities. I heard a quote recently that “we can’t do business on a dead planet.” We can’t live on a dead planet either.
“In cities that are highly exposed to extreme weather and sea level rise, a comfortable life will become increasingly expensive and exclusive, thanks to the rising costs of less-exposed real estate, flood protection measures, and insurance. Some less climate-vulnerable metros, including Chicago, Illinois or Seattle, Washington, also have high living costs and are surrounded by unsustainable urban sprawl.
So a growing number of urban development scholars and advocates believe it’s time to start planning climate havens: cities that are insulated from extreme weather and have the room and resources to grow.”
How ‘future ready’ are your leaders with a climate adaptation strategy? Checkout GTA’s course, Leading Climate Adaptation Strategies Performance Lab Series in our Sustainable Future Virtual Training Suite.